Archive for 'Education'

I’m getting an Android tablet for teaching. Which apps do I need?

My cousin, a teacher in South Africa, is getting an Android for teaching. She asked me which apps she needs. I emailed her, then thought: heck! Maybe others would like some suggestions. Hi Jan Glad to hear your school is getting into tablets. The key to getting the most out of your tablet is living […]

Thinking about eLearning in 2013

I was talking to my son this morning about my plans for next year. I’m teaching technology to year 7s and 8s – basically ICT. Most of the kids will have iPads, so I hope to get them eportfolioing in WordPress. Why WordPress? I’m pretty sure that the WordPress app sets it apart from mahara […]

A fiery BYOD Meeting

I attended an info evening put on by my local primary school on their new BYOD initiative last night. While there were some supportive parents there, the night was dominated by complaint – and it was hard to watch. I wanted to outline a couple of myths and realities. Please, if you disagree, that’s what […]

iPads in Special Education – the discussion that left me speechless

I spent a few moments talking a Principal at a school for kids with special needs this afternoon. These kids are highly dependent – most of them can’t speak. We were talking about how iPads might be useful to her organisation. She is admirably skeptical – she really doesn’t want anything introduced that won’t make […]

Google services and why you should think twice

I saw this video a while ago, and it caused me to think about how I use the internet. I found out that there are some companies that are really interested in what I think. In fact, they record my internet usage all the time. How I use the internet and why Browsing –  I […]

Social Media Experiment – twitter for the kids

Mr11 offered Mr15 $8 for his iPod. He accepted, and now Mr11 is pleased as punch. I suggested that he open a twitter account. He did that pretty fast, but the more interesting thing was that his little sister, Miss9, quickly caught on and asked if she could open one. Mr15 sorted out a closed […]

Music Technology Course – awesome turn out

I’m spending the day with 20 awesome music teachers from through the north island. This is fun.

Rethinking Education – rethinking me

I read this last night, which caused me to watch Ken Robinson again. If teaching is a creative profession how do we develop the creativity of our future teachers? How do we attract creative people to enter teaching? When and where, if ever, do teachers come to recognize themselves as creative professionals? How do we develop creativity in […]

For parents: what to say in Parent/Teacher interviews

Straight-up: teachers don’t generally like the interviews. they’d rather be watching tv1 at home wearing a cardigan they’re nervous that they’re going to be berated by an angry parent they’re certain that the parents that need to be there won’t be it’s boring sitting in a drafty, noisy hall What you should say: You’re doing […]

Teaching that works

If you ask the average person on the street to teach you something, what will they do? Explain it. Sometimes this works, but it doesn’t usually with me. People who understand learning know how to teach. Learning is observing, asking the right questions, demonstrating mastery, then answering questions. Teachers take students through these steps. “Listening […]