Teaching that works
If you ask the average person on the street to teach you something, what will they do? Explain it. Sometimes this works, but it doesn’t usually with me.
People who understand learning know how to teach. Learning is observing, asking the right questions, demonstrating mastery, then answering questions. Teachers take students through these steps.
“Listening to explanations” is in there, but it’s a small part.
If you need to teach someone something, start the conversation like this: “You watch and ask questions. Then, I’ll watch and ask questions.”
I agree. And what really bugs me is when teachers TAKE OVER the mouse when a student asks how to do something on the computer! It happens a lot at our school & is not good teaching.
The main way we learn is by DOING.
A lovely succinct description Steve, I totally agree. I know I learn by doing and most of my students do to.
Interestingly when ‘teaching’ adults to use big computer apps (like Word/ Exce etc) I found most of them learnt most effectively if they had a good reason for using the app. They tended to make notes and spread what they have found useful around their friends. I guess that is what we are doing at Te Kura now with the new sms
But I do think in our classes we teachers forget sometimes that kids learn in much the same way!
Thanks, Tish. Interesting how adults are motivated by purpose but we get away with brushing off that question with kids…
Great list! People should keep blog posts short and sweet. I have been giving out short and direct to the point posts and it��s more readable to customers than posting a too-detailed post.
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