Archive for 'Google'

Just in time – notes from this morning’s #TTSed breakfast

This morning I shared breakfast with some teachers. We shared our experiences with using Google Docs in the classroom, Teacher Dashboard and BYOD. I was able to share a few ideas and I told them that I’d email them some notes. I changed my mind: I’ve decided to blog the ideas. BYOD: – check that […]

Getting the best out of Google

I like Google.  It changes constantly, and while there may be many commercial reasons for Google to alter its algorithms for search optimisation, understanding how Google operates and how to get the best search results from it is pretty liberating. In my professional life I’m constantly asked to find information with the very quick caveat […]

Google services and why you should think twice

I saw this video a while ago, and it caused me to think about how I use the internet. I found out that there are some companies that are really interested in what I think. In fact, they record my internet usage all the time. How I use the internet and why Browsing –  I […]