I think we’re witnessing another tech revolution in Education

Watching teachers talk about iPads is fascinating. Basically, there are two groups. The “but it doesn’t…” group and the “but it does…” group.
I’ll prove an excellent point: I’m typing on an iPad right now. I CAN do that. The wordpress app is awesome.
But I want to link to this: http://elearningr14.blogspot.com/2011/08/devices-in-classroom.html?showComment=1314486600501#c4358877439497971779
There’s no attractive way I know of doing that. At the moment, it’s really clunky. There is no way to do anything but plain text. How annoying.

Teachers need the resources to figure out what the iPad is good for – and what it can’t do. The tablet revolution (again, I want to link to a krubrick reference) is the new way.

3 Comments to “I think we’re witnessing another tech revolution in Education”

  1. @MattJamesThomas 19 September 2011 at 1:13 pm #

    H there –

    Just stumbled across your blog on twitter. I love the WordPress app for iPad too! To make a link like you have above, you’d type it in, but the key is that the WP app won’t recognise it as a link because it lacks the www at the front of the URL.

    But if you type in www after the http:// part of your URL, then a wee pop up box will open asking you if you want to make a link. Then you can paste in the URL and a text description of the URL, and the WP app will do the code for you.

    Love it!

  2. stevevoisey 19 September 2011 at 1:17 pm #

    Thanks for the tip, Matt. 🙂

  3. […] previously said that the ipad is the biggest recent change in education. As I go through job interviews, reflect on my own experience, and what I can see as commercial […]

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