Jane Egan at Cultural Chords

Jane Egan

HOD Gisborne Girls

SFRQ judge

Covers band

Senior music programme runs afterschool to combat timetable probs.

Girls’ imbalance

Essential: get a mentor from steph

Friday: jam with the kids. Role modelling. Talk about gigs.

Watch other women musicians. Women can’t stand that way that men do. Shona Laing, Lani Curtis…


Girl posters. Ian chapman book kiwi rock chicks: trailblazers….. http://www.wheelers.co.nz/books/9781869508302-kiwi-rock-chicks-popstars-trailblazers/

Go to amplifier.co.nz litfacattack. Streetchant. The teacups. Katy Scott.


Rockquest is compulsory. Pasifica beats too.

Rockquest: anything goes.

Insist on girls only. Talk to local schools about a poaching policy.

Put all bands into rockquest. Even the really bad ones.


get a girl drum teacher.  Tell ITMs not to show off.


Decode the language. Empower the girls.


Schedule the ITMs into the timetabled time. Use rockschool.


Rockquest is really about songwriting. A great song means confidence on stage.

See songwriting booklet.

no such word as can’t.

lyric book – teacher doesn’t read it. 10 minutes writing everyday. topic, object, image… Write with them. Book: “the artist way.” Get lyrics from Grey’s anatomy. Listing (alanis morrisette).

Line length trick.

verse 1 line 1

verse 2 line 1

verse 1 line 2

verse 2 line 2

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